Tuesday, 17 November 2015
The "Urban eMobility 2020" e-BRIDGE workshop in Milan took place on Friday 13th November. It was organised in close cooperation with the Milan City Administration and it was part of the MilanoSharingCity initiative, two days of meetings with operators and international experts on collaborative and sharing economy, technological innovation and sustainable mobility. All the speakers' presentations are available here. Download and read.
Thursday, 05 November 2015
The main objectives of the Urban eMobility 2020 eBRIDGE Milan workshop are to promote the eBRIDGE project and its main outcomes, to talk about the current project status and to disseminate its success stories, comparing them with some of the on-going Italian experiences on e-mobility. The workshop will present the innovative eBRIDGE ToolKit. This Toolkit provides a series of practical recommendations for the successful operation and promotion of electric fleets, with the goal of serving as inspiration and example of best practice to any actor interested in electric mobility and active in the field of transport and mobility. The eMobility 2020 e-BRIDGE Milan workshop will take place on Friday, 13th November oat Milano Spazio Base Ex Ansaldo, Via Bergognone 34 and it has been organised in close cooperation with the Milan City Administration. It will be part of the MilanoSharingCity initiative, two days of meetings with operators and international experts on collaborative and sharing economy, technological innovation and sustainable mobility. Download the agenda.
Thursday, 30 April 2015
This workshop look place in Lisbon from 22nd to 24th of April. It aimed to bring together the partners of eBRIDGE and Pro-E-Bike projects, in order to promote the cooperation and to share experiences.
Friday, 28 November 2014
eBRIDGE and CarPlus, the leading UK NGO for Car sharing and Car clubs, organised a joint 1-day workshop in Cardiff University, on 12th November 2014.
All the speakers' presentations are available here.
Click here to know more about this event. »
Thursday, 23 October 2014
From 7th to 8th October 2014 the eBRIDGE Conference "Urban eMobility 2020" took place in Berlin. Many partners of the eBRIDGE Consortium, policy makers, practitioners and experts from the field of electric mobility joined the two-day sessions. Now all the speakers' presentations are available here. Download them and read.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
The eBRIDGE Conference Urban eMobility 2020 will take place from 7th to 8th October in Berlin. In addition to the partners of the eBRIDGE Consortium, policy makers, practitioners and experts from the field of electric mobility will join the two-day sessions at the EUREF Campus, the Intelligent City of Today. More information on the program to download here.